Alcoholism treatment

What is alcoholism?

The symptoms of alcoholism appear as a constant, compulsive need to consume alcohol despite its health and social harms. Often the symptoms of alcoholism develop over years and the person themselves does not recognise their alcohol problem. You should seek treatment for alcoholism if you feel that you can no longer control your alcohol consumption.

Do you suspect that you or your loved one suffers from alcoholism?
Take an alcoholism test!
alkoholisti mies kurottaa viinipulloa edessään tyhjä viinilasialkoholisti mies kurottaa viinipulloa edessään tyhjä viinilasi

Alcoholism treatment using the outpatient method

Contral Clinics offers a comprehensive treatment programme for alcoholism, alcohol use disorder, and heavy drinking. The ContrAl method for alcoholism treatment is developed in Finland and based on scientific research. You will be served by the best addiction medicine doctors and therapists in the country. Read more about the results of our proven method here.

78% of our clients succeed in their goal of reducing their alcohol consumption - usually within a few weeks of starting treatment, their alcohol dependence begins to subside.

Alkoholistin maksa-arvot laskevat
1. Info visit

You will undergo an initial assessment of your situation, followed by a comprehensive presentation outlining the specific treatment steps. Afterward, you will make the decision whether to proceed with the treatment.

Book a visit
Alkoholistin maksa-arvot laskevat
2. First visit

Before the first visit, you will have your liver enzymes measured and your addiction medicine doctor will prescribe the right medication for you.

Alkoholistin maksa-arvot laskevat
3. Therapy phase

Consists of 6 therapy sessions, including exercises for home and everyday situations.

Alkoholistin maksa-arvot laskevat
4. Final assessment

Before the last visit, you will measure your liver enzymes again. At the final visit, your doctor will assess the results of your treatment and review the impact of the treatment on your liver.

Start your recovery from alcoholism by booking an info visit to our clinic in-person or remotely

During the info visit, our professionals will make an initial assessment of your situation, go through the content of the treatment programme more in detail, and answer any questions you may have. After the visit, you can decide whether you want to continue with the actual treatment programme.

mies istuu alkoholismin takia terapiassa, kasvot eivät näy
mies kättelee lääkäriä lääkäriasemalla alkoholismi hoidon jälkeen

Alcoholism treatment flexibly on-site or remotely

Our outpatient programme usually lasts 4-6 months, but the duration is always determined by your individual needs. At the beginning of the treatment, we will assess your physical and mental state, your alcohol consumption and the level of alcoholism, and together we will define the treatment goals. Before your first visit to the doctor, you will have your liver enzymes measured and the doctor will prescribe the appropriate medication.

The treatment programme continues with a cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) session, which you can choose to do entirely remotely. The convenient outpatient treatment is delivered discreetly as a part of your normal daily routine. At the end of the programme, you will have your liver enzymes measured again, after which your addiction medicine doctor will discuss with you the results of the treatment and its impact on your liver.

Therapy supports the development of new behavioural patterns

The therapy cycle consists of six sessions that dive into both internal and external factors influencing your alcoholism. During these sessions, we will engage in discussions about your drinking behaviour and provide you with effective strategies for managing addictive tendencies. Together, we will explore potential risk situations and develop coping mechanisms, also known as compensatory activities. Additionally, you will receive exercises to practise at home and during your leisure time. We will also delve into the long-term effects of alcoholism, fostering your motivation to overcome it.

Visits are conducted as individual visits, but for some visits we recommend inviting a family member. After completing the programme, you will have the opportunity to arrange follow-up visits to support your progress. We also offer counselling for an alcoholic’s family members.

mies kuuntelee terapeuttia alkoholismi hoitovastaanotolla

Medication to help with alcoholism

The targeted medicines used to treat alcoholism are naltrexone (sold as Naltrexone Vitaflo) or nalmefene (sold as Selincro), of which the latter is developed in Finland. These medicines are different from traditional medicines for alcoholism (e.g. Antabuse) because they are not addictive and do not interact unpleasantly with alcohol. In Finland, naltrexone has long been recognised as an effective treatment for alcoholism and has been studied by the National Public Health Institute, among others, as early as 2001 (see Duodecim’s summary of the study).

The medication is not taken on a continuous basis, but rather as needed in situations when you anticipate drinking alcohol or expect to be in an environment where alcohol consumption may occur. The prescription of medication is always tailored individually by an addiction medicine doctor, who may also consider the use of other medications as part of the treatment plan.

The ContrAl method is based on modern medicine and scientific research, and alcoholism can be overcome through following the treatment programme systematically. The strength of the treatment is that it does not require complete abstinence from alcohol, but by setting your own goals and addressing the underlying factors of alcoholism, you can control your alcohol consumption and enjoy your life with or without it.
valkotakkinen lääkäri ojentamassa kahta alkoholismin hoitoon tarkoitettua pillerilevyäLääkärin käsi joka tarjoaa alkoholismin hoitoon tarkoitettuja lääkkeitä

Contral method can also be used to treat other addictions

Read more about internet and gambling addiction and how we can help to tackle them.
Grafiikka jossa pelikortit, pelinappula ja reisiluut, Peliriippuvuus
Gambling addiction

The treatment programme is meant for people suffering from gambling addiction.

Read more
Grafiikka jossa tietokone ja kettinki, Nettiriippuvuus
Internet addiction

A treatment programme for people whose internet use, video game consumption, or social media use is out of control.

Read more
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