Alcoholic test

Am I an alcoholic?

Alcoholics are characterised by compulsive use of alcohol, regardless of its social or health consequences. Individuals with alcoholism struggle to regulate their alcohol intake and experience physical as well as psychological withdrawal symptoms. The pattern of alcohol consumption among alcoholics can be either seasonal or continuous.

Alcoholics often exhibit a high tolerance, meaning they require increasing amounts of alcohol to achieve the desired effect. The development of alcohol dependence is a gradual process that can take years and recognizing their own illness can often be challenging for alcoholics.


Background of the alcoholic test

The AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) is a screening tool specifically designed to identify alcohol dependence and related problems. Developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO), this questionnaire assesses an individual's alcohol use patterns and helps health professionals intervene early.

The AUDIT has been used since the 1980s. Backed by extensive clinical research, the AUDIT has proven to be a reliable and valid tool for detecting alcohol problems. The test consists of questions aimed at gathering information about an individual's drinking patterns, including frequency, quantity, and signs of addictive behaviour. The test can be taken by alcoholics themselves or by concerned loved ones on their behalf.

Alkoholistin maksa-arvot laskevat
10 multiple-choice questions

No need to write the answers by yourself

Alkoholistin maksa-arvot laskevat
2-3 minutes

The average time to complete the survey

Alkoholistin maksa-arvot laskevat
5 score categories

Indicate the risk of addiction or the level of addiction

Do you suspect that you or your loved one suffers from alcoholism?
Take an alcoholism test!
mies nojaa baaritiskiin tuoppi kädessään linkki alkoholiriippuvuustestiinmies nojaa baaritiskiin tuoppi kädessään linkki alkoholiriippuvuustestiin

Side effects and risks of drinking for alcoholics

The damaging effects of alcohol extend to all parts of the body, making excessive alcohol consumption a potential cause of damage to nearly every organ. Alcoholics experience a wide array of health issues, including depression, nervous disorders, high blood pressure, and diminished cognitive functioning. Prolonged and excessive alcohol intake also increases the risk of serious diseases such as pancreatitis, cirrhosis, and fatty liver.

Moreover, alcoholics face ongoing risks such as alcohol poisoning, aggressive behaviour, accidents, and drowning. The consequences of alcohol dependence are not limited to the individual's health but also extend to social relationships, often straining connections with close friends and family due to the impact of addiction.

Regardless of whether you identify as an alcoholic, alcohol dependent, or heavy drinker, we offer an outpatient treatment program designed to assist you in regaining control over your alcohol consumption. It is never too late to start your journey towards positive change, and our dedicated professionals are here to support you throughout your treatment!

mies makaa sairaalasängyssä happimittari sormessaan ja saa nesteytystä suonensisäisesti
mies istuu lattialla vierellään tyhjiä kaljapulloja

Alcoholics and drinking culture in Finland

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), alcoholism is one of the biggest public health problems in developed countries. The Finnish drinking culture has long been associated with binge drinking, and a significant proportion of the population, including a few percent of Finns, struggle with alcoholism.

Alcohol-related diseases and alcohol poisoning are the third most common cause of death in Finland, and the biggest health threat to Finns is substance abuse.

According to the Drinking Habits Survey by the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL) in 2016, up to 13% of Finns consume alcohol to the extent that they are at an elevated risk of experiencing long-term health problems. Alarmingly, 78% of all alcohol consumed falls within the category of high-risk use, which includes consumption by high-risk users or exceeding the recommended limit for moderate drinking. 58% of individuals engaging in high-risk alcohol use consider themselves moderate drinkers, highlighting the distorted perception of alcohol consumption prevalent among alcoholics and heavy drinkers.


Alcohol consumption and related risks in Finland

Annual alcohol consumption

Kuvaaja, joka esittää Alkoholin kulutusta vuosittain Suomessa
Ellipse Blue Light

Men 73% (appr. 16l)

Ellipse Light

Women 27% (appr. 6l)

Average alcohol consumption was just over 10 litres of pure alcohol per person aged 15 and over.

Health risks

Kuvaaja, joka esittää 
alkoholin aiheuttamien Terveyshaittojen riskiä Suomalaisilla
Ellipse Blue Light

Increased 13%

At least 13% of Finns, equivalent to 556 000 people, have an increased risk of long-term health problems due to heavy alcohol consumption.

Has a loved one, who is a heavy drinker

Kuvaaja, joka esittää sitä kuinka monella suomalaisella on Lähipiirissä alkoholin suurkuluttaja
Ellipse Light

Yes 50%

A total of 50% of the population in the survey had a loved one with a problem related to alcohol consumption.

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