The pain of alcohol consumption – behavioral symptoms of an alcoholic and their impact on emotional states
In this article, we'll look at the symptoms of alcoholics and their impact on a person's emotional states. It is important to understand that alcoholism is a disease, and not just a weakness or a bad habit. Many alcoholics struggle with addiction and need professional help to get rid of it.
Alcohol as a taboo: forbidden, downplayed and hidden use
Alcoholism often begins with intoxication. Drinking provides an easy way to feeling free and euphoric, but reality is different and it can gradually take a tighter grip over one’s life. An alcoholic loses control when drinking begins to dominate your everyday life. The once cheerful and active person gradually notices how alcohol creeps stealthily into their life.
At first, drinking is downplayed and even laughed at. Let us deny the problem completely. Alcohol helps to relax and disconnect from everyday worries.
People pretend that everything is under control, but the truth is often that alcohol has already taken over.
Secretly, they continue drinking and hide the empty bottles in suitable spots unnoticed.
"From control to recklessness: intermittent slips or permanent loss of alcohol use?"
Alcohol consumption gradually increases even when you are alone. It acts as an escape from everyday stress and difficulties.
Eventually, however, alcohol is needed daily to survive day after day. This development can be a worrying sign of the progression of alcoholism.
Alcohol begins to dominate daily life and become an indispensable means of survival, giving momentary relief, but at the same time deepening addiction and harming both physical and psychological well-being. It is important to be aware of these developments and, if necessary, seek help and support to overcome alcohol problems.
Enchanted by the drink - continuing despite the disadvantages
People flee behind drinking, whether it's joy or sadness. Explaining drinking with insomnia, pain and stress. Drinking brings momentary relief, even a feeling of euphoria, but at the same time it takes you deeper into the grip of alcoholism.
One of the signs of alcoholism is the inability to limit alcohol consumption. The alcoholic first tries to control their drinking, but eventually always succumbs to drinking more or longer than intended. This disappointment and guilt create a vicious circle that is difficult to jump out of.

By the glass: prioritizing alcohol over other values in life
As alcoholism progresses, the alcoholic displays a number of behavioral symptoms. They struggle to hold on to their responsibilities, such as work or school. Being late and not performing tasks are commonplace. In addition, they withdraw from social situations and from their friends when the bottle takes over. This makes the social network fragile and generates anxiety.
Alcoholics begin to prioritize alcohol over other important things, such as family, career, or hobbies. Drinking becomes a priority when everything else loses its meaning.
According to the ICD10 Symptom rating, these are already serious signs of addiction.
The line gets thinner: the effects of alcohol consumption on mood and behavior
Under the rule of alcohol, relationships and family ties deteriorate as love fades and drinking replaces the needs of loved ones. Constant lying, irritability, and anxiety cause torment and unnecessary arguments. Communication breaks down, and disappointment invades the mind.
Intensifying symptoms and deepening gap
Alcohol and depression often go hand in hand. Some people who suffer from depression may resort to alcohol to relieve their symptoms or feel momentary relief.
Drinking alcohol can produce short-term pleasure or relaxation, but it doesn't address the root causes of depression. An alcoholic's behavioral symptoms reinforce the symptoms of depression and further widen the emotional gap.
Brain chemistry
Both alcohol and depression affect the chemical balance in the brain. Alcohol can affect neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which is an important mood regulator. Long-term alcohol consumption can disrupt the chemical balance in the brain and worsen symptoms of depression.
Alcohol over security
Alcoholism can also take away financial security. Money flows into alcohol when an alcoholic spends most of his income drinking. This leads to financial difficulties and indebtedness. Impulsive financial decisions also harm both alcoholics and their loved ones.
Alcoholism and health problems
Alcohol abuse can also cause other serious physical symptoms and expensive medical trips.
Liver diseases, heart problems, indigestion and nervous disorders are destructive traces of alcoholism.
Excessive consumption of alcohol can damage the liver and cause liver diseases such as fatty liver disease and cirrhosis. It can also affect the pancreas and lead to pancreatitis. Alcoholics are more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, as well as various cancers.
The diverse behavioral symptoms of an alcoholic
It is important to recognize these signs early and offer help and support to loved ones struggling with alcohol problems.
Alcoholism is like an artist painting wild, unpredictable colors. The diversity of behavioral symptoms paints each alcoholic's life as its own unique painting. One person struggles in the chains of physical dependence, while another's heart wounds cry out for treatment. No two stories are the same in this spectrum, but they all have a common goal: to free ourselves from the grip of alcohol.
The goal of Contral Clinics is to provide holistic and personalized care that meets the unique needs of each patient. Combining medical innovation, research knowledge and professional support, the clinic aims to support alcoholics on their recovery journey towards a healthier and more balanced life.
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